Take a look at what the Wessex Yeomanry has been doing.

The Royal Wessex Yeomanry - Year in Review 2020

Wessex Klava 23 October – 3 November 2020.

Our Challenger 2 crews stayed current with innovatively-combined driving, maintenance, and field skills weekends.

Annual Training Period 11 – 27 September 2020.

In September focus turned to our Annual Training Period. The Regiment turned out in force to Okehampton Camp, Dartmoor, for a two-week period concentrating on career courses and qualifications.

RWxY AT 15-16 August 2020

It’s not all work and no play, each Squadron gets the opportunity to conduct their own AT each year.

Small Arms Ranges 18-19 July 2020

It’s not just our tank skills we need to keep up to scratch; we have a whole range of soldiering skills we need to stay on top of.  This was our first training together after being dispersed for lockdown.